
Linux Network Commands

Linux Network Commands

Overview of Commands

Linux Commands Details
# telnet User interface to telnet protocol, used to communicate with another host
# ssh It provides a secured encrypted connection between two host over an insecure network
# traceroute Trace the route
# dig DNS Look up
# nslookup Query internet domain name server
# netstat Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics ..etc
# nmap detects live host, open ports on host
Detects Software and version to the respective porsts
Detects OS, hw address & sw version
Detects vulnerability and security holes
# w show who is logged on and what they are doing
# scp secure copy – remote file copy program
# route show/manipulate the ip routing table
# arpArp manipulates or displays the kernel’s IPv4 network neighbor cache. Used to find MAC address of network neighbor for a given IPv4 address
# rarp
# ipchains
# iptables / ip6tables administration tool for IPV4/IPv6 packet filtering and NAT
# interfaces /etc/network/interfaces contains network interface configuration information for the ifup and ifdown commands
# ethtool Query or control network driver and hardware settings particularly for wired Ethernet devices. devname is the name of the network device on which ethtool should operate
# hostname show or set the system’s host name
# domainname show or set the system’s NIS/YP domain name
# ypdomainname show or set the system’s NIS/YP domain name
# nisdomainname show or set the system’s NIS/YP domain name
# dnsdomainname show the system’s DNS domain name
# ping send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
# showmount displays a list of all clients that have remotely mounted a file system from a specified machine in the Host parameter
# tcpdump dump traffic on a network
# tracepath, tracepath6 traces path to a network host discovering MTU along this path
# whois query for domainname
# nmcli command-line tool for controlling NetworkManager
# nm-tool utility to report NetworkManager state, devices & wireless networks
# nm-online To find out whether we are online.
# nm-setting description of settings and parameters of NetworkManagers connections
# netlink netlink macros
# libnetlink a library for accessing the netlink service
# rtnetlink macros to manipulate rtnetlink message
# nmcli dev status print network status
# ifconfig configure network interface
# ifup or ifdown bring a network interface up/down
# ip show / manipulate routing, device, policy routing and tunnels
# ip address protocol address management
# NetworkManager network management daemons
Wireless Network Commands
# wpa_cli used to query current status, change configuration, trigger events, and request interactive user input.
Show authentication status, security mode, dot11, dot1x MIBs
# wpa_supplicant wifi-protected access client
# crda send to the kernel a wireless regulatory domain for a given ISO
# iwconfig configure wireless network interface
# nmcli con Display wifi/wireless connection entry
# nmcli wifi show wifi adaptor
# iw show/manipulate wireless devices and their configuration
# iwlist get more detailed wireless information from a wireless interface
# iwspy get wireless statistics from specific nodes
# iwevent display wireless events generated by drivers and setting changes
# iwpriv configure optional parameters of a wireless network interface
# wireless wireless tools & wireless extension, used to change the configuration of wireless LAN networking interfaces on the fly
# iwgetid used to find out the NWID, ESSID or AP/Cell address of the wireless network that is currently used. We can get the same information using iwconfig

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